
State and continuations

Consider the following handler for non-determinism:

interface Amb { def flip(): Bool }

def allChoices { prog: () => Unit / Amb }: Unit = {
  try { prog() }
  with Amb {
    def flip() = {
      resume(true); resume(false)

Multiple resumptions and mutable state need to be handled with care such that the state is appropriately restored upon each resumption.

def example1() = {
  var x = 1
  allChoices {
    if (do flip()) { x = 2 }

In this example, x is defined outside the handler allChoices. Thus, when resuming for the second time, the changes made to x carry over:


However, if we define x within the handler, the behavior is a different one.

def example2() = {
  allChoices {
    var x = 1
    if (do flip()) { x = 2 }

Opposed to the previous example, the state of x actually backtracks:


This is because the state (like mutable variables) is allocated on the stack, and thus, the captured continuation includes the initial state of x and is therefore restored when resumed.

Explicit region-based allocation

All mutable variables are allocated into regions. These become visible when trying to close over references to mutable variables:

def example3() = {
  var x = 1
  val closure = box { () => x }
  () // try returning closure here

Here, the type of closure is () => Int at {x}. The capture set makes closing over x explicit. Each mutable variable is allocated into an equally named region. We can also explicitly instantiate a new region and allocate x into it:

def example4() =
  region r {
    var x in r = 1
    val closure = box { () => x }

By doing so, the type of closure becomes () => Int at {r} and thereby signifying that closure closes over something allocated in the region r. closure may only ever be unboxed where region r is still in scope. Otherwise, accessing closure outside r would exceed the lifetime given to x by allocating it into r.

Additionally, regions are second-class, like blocks and objects, and thus can be passed to functions. We use this for rewriting the opening example from the previous section:

def exampleProgram {r: Region} = {
  var x in r = 1
  if (do flip()) { x = 2 }

def example1Region() =
  region r {
    allChoices {
      exampleProgram {r}

def example2Region() =
  allChoices {
    region r {
      exampleProgram {r}

Running it will give us the same result:



It is also possible to allocate a variable globally by allocating it into the built-in region global. With this, it is possible to write a program which is normally not possible:

def example5() = {
  var x in global = 1
  val closure = box { () => x }

We can return a closure that closes over a variable. This is only possible because x is allocated into the global region and therefore has a static lifetime.
