
import dequeue

Writing a safe, cooperatively threaded scheduler in an effect safe manner can be hard, as it requires treating continuations as first-class values. Continuations might indirectly close over other capabilities, and we want to prevent that capabilities from leaving their defining scope indirectly through continuations.

First, we define an Proc as the interface for our scheduler. This models a process that either can

  • yield such that other scheduled processes can be executed,
  • fork itself such two new processes are spawned such that one continues with true and the other with false
  • or exit once it is done.
interface Proc {
  def yield(): Unit
  def fork(): Bool
  def exit(): Unit

For the handler of a program prog that requires the Proc effect to be handled, we first create a queue, storing thunks of the continuation of processes. We define yield to push a thunk of the continuation onto the queue. Similarly, fork pushes two thunks of the continuation onto the queue. One will resume with true and the other with false. Finally, exiting just is a NOP. In run, we go through the queue and continuously pop the queue to get the last recently enqueued process, and run he thunked continuation. Forcing a thunk resumes a process right where yield or fork was called.

def scheduler { prog: => Unit / Proc } = region this {
  var queue: Dequeue[() => Unit at {this, prog}] in this = emptyQueue();

  def run(): Unit = queue.popBack match {
    case None() => ()
    case Some((k, q)) =>
      queue = q
  try { prog() } with Proc {
    def yield() = {
      queue = queue.pushFront(box { resume(()) })
    def fork() = {
      queue = queue
        .pushFront(box { resume(true) })
        .pushFront(box { resume(false) })
    def exit() = ()


Note that as prog is a second-class argument, it can use additional capabilities that are not reflected in its type (but are on its binder) due to Effekt’s contextual effect polymorphism. In particular, these capabilities may be captured on the continuation term resume. For that reason, we have to annotate it as a capture for the first-class function stored in the queue. Furthermore, since the handler uses mutable state, namely queue, resume also captures it when boxing it. However, as those capabilities are second-class, they cannot leak through the resumption and the entire program is safe. In particular, the resumption cannot leak even though it is stored in the mutable cell queue, as queue is second-class itself and valid only within the context of the scheduler region. You can think about it like a lifetime annotation: we are only allowed to use the thunked continuations in the form of first-class functions, while queue is still alive. Since run is within the same region queue is allocated in, forcing the thunks is allowed.

For convenience, we define a helper function for forking:

def fork { b1: => Unit / Proc } { b2: => Unit / Proc } =
  if (do fork()) { b1() } else { b2() }

Finally, we run some examples using our scheduler by forking once to get two concurrent processes and then letting each run concurrently.

def main() = {
  scheduler {
    fork {
      println("hello 1")
      do yield()
      do yield()
      do exit()
    } {
      println("hello 2")
      do yield()
      do yield()
      do yield()

Try guessing first what you expect the output to be and then run it with main():