
Values vs. Computation

Following Paul Levy’s Call-By-Push-Value, Effekt distinguishes between values (such as 42, true, or instances of datatypes) and computation.

Examples of “computation” in Effekt are:

  • blocks (this is what we call functions),
  • instances of interfaces (also known as “objects”), and
  • regions

Functions (and all other computation tyoes) are second-class in Effekt. To make this difference explicit, we pass values in parentheses (e.g. f(42)) and computation in braces (e.g. f { x => println(x) }).

def myMap[A, B](xs: List[A]) { f: A => B }: List[B] =
  xs match {
    case Nil() => Nil()
    case Cons(x, xs) => Cons(f(x), myMap(xs) { f })

The block parameter f is enclosed in curly braces and syntactically separated from the value parameters. While multiple value parameters are separated by commas, multiple block parameters are expressed by enclosing each in curly braces.

[1, 2, 3].myMap { x => x * 2 }

In the previous example, the block passed to myMap did not use any effect operations and the signature of f in myMap did not mention any as well. What happens if the argument passed for f is effectful?

interface Yield[A] {
  def yield(x: A): Unit

def example(): List[Int] / Yield[Int] = [1, 2, 3].map { x => do yield(x); x * 2 }

We can apply a “contract”-based reading to understand effects. The expanded type of myMap

myMap[A, B](xs: List[A]) { f: A => B / {} }: List[B] / {}

has an empty effect set on f and an empty effect set on myMap. In general, effects in covariant positions (like those on myMap) are part of the precondition and considered as requirements for the calling context. In contrast, effects in contravariant positions (like those on f) are part of the postcondition and can be read as provided (that is, “myMap provides these capabilities to f”).

This reading is consistent with something we call effect parametricity: since the signature of f does not mention any effects, the implementation of myMap cannot handle any effects occurring in f.

The effects used in the passed block thus need to be handled exactly where the block is defined, that is, at the call-site of myMap.


  Values (First-class) Computation (Second-class)
Term-level 42, "hello", true, Cons(1, Nil), box { [A](x: A) => x } { [A](x: A) => x }, new Exception, region r, unbox exc
  Literals, instances of datatypes and boxed computations Blocks, objects and regions
Type-level Int, String, Bool, List[Int], [A](A) => A at {} [A](A) => A, Exception, Region

On the term-level, boxing offers a way of transforming a second-class computation into a first-class value. Conversely, unboxing does the reverse and converts a first-class boxed computation back into a second-class computation. On the type-level, at {...} serves the same purpose as box. Further information can be found in the section about captures and objects.
