Effect Safety

Similar to Java’s checked exceptions, Effekt features an effect system that allows us to track effects. As a very simple example, we can define our own exceptions (even though they are defined in the stdlib):

effect exc(msg: String): Nothing

def div(n: Double, m: Double): Double / { exc } =
  if (m == 0.0) do exc("Division by zero") else n / m

While the left component of the return type (that is, Double) is the type of values returned by div, its right component (that is, { exc }) describes the set of effects that need to be handled by callers of div.

Effects are Requirements

As opposed to other effect systems, where effects communicate the side effects a program has besides computing a result, the notion of effects in the Effekt language is that of a requirement.

We thus read the signature of sayHello as

“The function div computes a value of type Double requiring a capability for exc in its calling context.”

That is, it can only be run in contexts that allow the exc effect operation.

For instance, we cannot call it in a “pure” function:

def pureFun(): Double / {} = div(42.0, 3.0)
//                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//         Effect Exc is not allowed in this context.

Here, we put “pure” in quotes since the difference in our notion of effects also leads to a difference of purity compared to existing languages. Here, pureFun simply imposes no requirements on its calling context. It would thus be unsound to call div, since it requires Exc.

Higher-Order Functions and Relative Purity

Functions can take blocks as arguments. One example function that does so is each:

effect exc(msg: String): Nothing

def div(n: Double, m: Double): Double / { exc } =
  if (m == 0.0) do exc("Division by zero") else n / m
def foreach[A](l: List[A]) { f: A => Unit }: Unit = <>

The type of the block argument f is A => Unit indicating that it consumes an element of type A. Actually, A => Unit is syntactic sugar for (A) => Unit / {}. That is, it is a block from A to Unit not using any effects visible to each. The implementation of each is omitted, we are using a hole (<>) that allows type-checking, but will result in a runtime error, when forced.

Maybe surprisingly, at the callsite to each, we actually can use other effects:

def meanRatios(l: List[(Double, Double)]): Double / { exc } = {
  var sum = 0.0;
  var count = 0;

  l.foreach {
    case (x, y) =>
      sum = sum + div(x, y)
      //          ^^^^^^^^^
      // This could use the Exc effect!
      count = count + 1

  div(sum, count.toDouble)

Here, the block passed to foreach does use another effect, namely the exc effect operation. In fact, Effekt encourages a different reading of signatures of effectful functions, similar to “contracts”:

//                                  "provided" effects
//                                          vv
def foreach[A](l: List[A]) { f: A => Unit / {} }: Unit / {}
//                                                       ^^
//                                               "required" effects

That is, effects in return position are “required” (the calling context needs to provide them), and effects in argument positions are “provided” (the function passed in the calling context can use them).

This shift in perspective offers guarantees for the caller of foreach: the implementation cannot observe (besides global side channeling) any effects used by f.

This comes at the cost of some guarantees for the implementor of foreach: Calling f might have side-effects observable to the user, losing referential transparency to some extent. We cannot simply replace a call to f by its results. Also, calling it twice is different from calling it once. Even though f is annotated with the empty effect set, it thus cannot be assumed to be “pure”.

We will see this in detail when talking about effect polymorphism.

We can run the example (we’ll cover handling in the next section) in the following way:

try { meanRatios([(4.2, 1.3)]) } with exc { msg => 0.0 }