Choreographic Programming

This is a quick (and pretty rough) attempt of implementing choreographic programming from the following paper in Effekt:

Please note:

  • all processes will run on one machine (in the browser)
  • the communication mechanism is very hacky
  • enclaves are missing

Also, since we want to run each projection in a promise, all effects have to be handled before:

val p1 = do promise(box {
  with network(channels);
  with catalog;

  epp([Exists(buyer), Exists(seller)], buyer) { bookseller(buyer, seller, budget) }

Furthermore, the interface at the moment is not really safe.

In particular, running locally on buyer, we can send a message to seller, who will not be listening, since the locally block is only run on buyer. Thus the message order will be confused.

do locally(buyer) {
  // Oh oh oh (we send something, but nobody is listening...)
  do communicate(buyer, seller, msg1)

do communicate(buyer, seller, msg2) // here seller receives msg1!

Another issue is that processes could “sidechannel” using io (like global mutable state), which works on a single process, but not when they are distributed (and thus changes semantics).

The Choreo Library

Enough discussion, here now the implementation. If you just want to run it, scroll to the bottom of this page and hit run.

First, we define what it means for a value to be located on a machine:

import io
// A location is indexed by a type to avoid confusing two locations
record Location[L](id: Int, name: String)

// Existential, required to talk about locations without knowing their type index.
type SomeLocation {
  Exists[L](l: Location[L])

// We compare locations by id
def infixEq[L1, L2](l1: Location[L1], l2: Location[L2]): Bool =
  (l1, l2) match {
    case (Location(id1, _), Location(id2, _)) => id1 == id2

// A located value is only available on one machine
type Located[A, L] {
  Local(value: A)

Next, we define a few effects that make up the DSL of choreographic programming:

// An effect to unwrap a located value on the machine where it is available
// (remark: this looks a bit like monadic reflection)
interface Unwrap[L] {
  def unwrap[A](l: Located[A, L]): A

// An effect that let's us know on which machine we are running at the moment
interface Here {
  def here(): SomeLocation

interface Choreo {
  // Runs the computation `p` on `l`. Since it runs on `l`, `p` has access
  // to locations on `l` via the Unwrap effect and the result will be located on l.
  def locally[A, L](l: Location[L]) { p: => A / Unwrap[L] }: Located[A, L]

  // Sends the value `a` from the sender `s` to the receiver `r`.
  def communicate[A, S, R](s : Location[S], r: Location[R], a: Located[A, S]): Located[A, R]

  // Sends the value `a` from location `l` to all other locations.
  // As a result, the value is available unconditionally.
  def broadcast[A, L](l: Location[L], a: Located[A, L]): A

Example: Bookseller

To show how to program against the above API, we translate the bookseller protocol from the above paper.

First, we need some auxiliary effects:

// Used by the buyer to interact with the user
interface Input {
  def desiredBook(): String
  def availableBudget(): Int

// Used by the seller to look-up price and delivery date
type Date = String
interface Catalog {
  def price(title: String): Int
  def delivery(title: String): Date

// Used to log the transaction trace
interface Log {
  def log(msg: String): Unit

Now the actual protocol:

def bookseller[Buyer, Seller](
  buyer: Location[Buyer],
  seller: Location[Seller]
): Located[Option[Date], Buyer] / { Choreo, Catalog, Input, Log } = {

  // (1) Get book title
  val titleBuyer = do locally(buyer) {
    do log("Asking for input on buyer")
    do desiredBook()
  val titleSeller = do communicate(buyer, seller, titleBuyer);
  do log("Received title? " ++ genericShow(titleSeller))

  // (2) Look up price
  val priceSeller = do locally(seller) {
    do log("Searching for price on seller " ++ genericShow(titleSeller) ++ do unwrap(titleSeller))
    do price(do unwrap(titleSeller))
  do log("After searching for price")

  val priceBuyer = do communicate(seller, buyer, priceSeller);
  do log("After sending price " ++ genericShow(priceBuyer))

  // (3) Check whether we can afford it
  val decisionBuyer = do locally(buyer) {
    do unwrap(priceBuyer) <= do availableBudget()

  do log("Broadcasting decision: " ++ genericShow(decisionBuyer))
  val decision = do broadcast(buyer, decisionBuyer);

  if (decision) {
    // (4a) Find delivery date
    val deliverySeller = do locally(seller) {
      do log("Trying to order on seller")
      do delivery(do unwrap(titleSeller))
    val deliveryBuyer = do communicate(seller, buyer, deliverySeller)
    do locally(buyer) {
      Some(do unwrap(deliveryBuyer))
  } else {
    // (4b) End transaction
    do locally(buyer) { None() }

Endpoint Projection

To implement endpoint projection, we first need a few helper definitions.

First, we simulate network:

interface Net {
  def send[A, L](value: A, receiver: Location[L]): Unit
  // this is sender in the paper, here we use the receiver to find the inbox
  def recv[A, L](receiver: Location[L]): A

The handler implementation of Net is a bit more involved, so we collapse it here:

type AnyValue {
  Filled[A](value: A)

// Casts are not available in Effekt, so we need to hack it in, here.
extern pure def cast[A, B](value: A): B = js "${value}"

type Inboxes {
  Cons[L2](l: Location[L2], content: AnyValue, rest: Inboxes)

type Channels = Ref[Inboxes]
def get[L](ch: Channels, l: Location[L]): AnyValue = {
  def go(inboxes: Inboxes): AnyValue = inboxes match {
    case Nil() => Empty()
    case Cons(l2, content, rest) and l == l2 => content
    case Cons(l2, content, rest) => go(rest)

def set[L](ch: Channels, l: Location[L], value: AnyValue): Unit = {
  def go(inboxes: Inboxes): Inboxes = inboxes match {
    case Nil() => Cons(l, value, Nil())
    case Cons(l2, content, rest) and l == l2 => Cons(l2, value, rest)
    case Cons(l2, content, rest) => Cons(l2, content, go(rest))

def network[R](channels: Channels) { prog: => R / Net }: R / Concurrent = {

  def tryWrite[A, L](value: A, receiver: Location[L]): Unit  = channels.get(receiver) match {
    case Filled(value) =>
      do yield()
      tryWrite(value, receiver)
    case Empty() =>
      channels.set(receiver, Filled(value));

  def tryRead[A, L](receiver: Location[L]): A = channels.get(receiver) match {
    case Filled(value) =>
      channels.set(receiver, Empty())
    case _ =>
      do yield()

  try { prog() }
  with Net {
    def send(value, receiver) = resume(tryWrite(value, receiver))
    def recv(receiver) = resume(tryRead(receiver))

Now we can implement endpoint projection using the network effect:

type Locations = List[SomeLocation]

def tryUnwrap[A, L2](v: Located[A, L2]): A = v match {
  case Local(a) => a
  case Remote() => panic("Should not happen")

def epp[A, L](ls: Locations, here: Location[L]) { p: => A / Choreo }: A / Net = {

  def sendAll[A](ls: Locations, value: A): Unit =
    ls.foreach {
      case Exists(l) and l == here => ()
      case Exists(l) => do send(value, l);

  try { p() }
  with Choreo {
    // This might look a bit strange: since locally receives a computation
    // as argument, we use our syntax for "bidirectional effects" and
    // send a computation back to the caller of `locally`.
    def locally[B, L2](l2) = resume { {f} =>
      try {
        if (here == l2) { Local(f()) } else Remote()
      } with Unwrap[L2] { def unwrap(v) = resume(tryUnwrap(v)) }
    def communicate(s, r, a) = here match {
      case _ and here == s => do send(tryUnwrap(a), r); resume(Remote())
      case _ and here == r => resume(Local(do recv(r)))
      case _ => resume(Remote())
    def broadcast(s, a) =
      if (here == s) { sendAll(ls, tryUnwrap(a)); resume(tryUnwrap(a)) }
      else { resume(do recv(here)) }

Implementing the domain handlers

As a next step, we need to implement handlers for our domain effects, like Catalog. We use the following data as our catalog (feel free to change it):

extern js """
  function findItem(title) {
    const domEl = document.getElementById("catalog");
    const catalog = JSON.parse(domEl.value);
    return catalog[title] || { price: 0, delivery: "not available" }

extern io def getPriceFor(title: String): Int = js"findItem(${title}).price"
extern io def getDeliveryFor(title: String): String = js"findItem(${title}).delivery"

def catalog[R] { prog: => R / Catalog }: R =
  try { prog() } with Catalog {
    def price(title) = resume(getPriceFor(title))
    def delivery(title) = resume(getDeliveryFor(title))

Now the user input:

extern io def prompt(title: String): String = js"window.prompt(${title})"

def input[R] { prog: => R / Input }: R =
  try { prog() } with Input {
    def desiredBook() = resume(prompt("What is the book you want to buy?"))
    def availableBudget() = {
      with on[WrongFormat].panic;
      resume(toInt(prompt("How much money do you have?")))

Finally, our logging mechanism. Here we define two handlers ignore and report to be able to choose whether we want to see the logs or not.

def ignore[R] { prog: => R / Log }: R =
  try { prog() } with Log { def log(msg) = resume(()) }

def report[R] { prog: => R / Log }: R =
  try { prog() } with Log { def log(msg) = resume(println(msg)) }

Running the Example

To run the example, we now need to plug everything together:

def main() = eventloop(box {
  val buyer = Location[Unit](1, "buyer");
  val seller = Location[Unit](2, "seller");

  val channels: Channels = ref(Nil())
  val budget = 40

  val p1 = do promise(box {
    with network(channels);
    with catalog;
    with input;
    with ignore; // change to report to see traces

    epp([Exists(buyer), Exists(seller)], buyer) { bookseller(buyer, seller) }

  val p2 = do promise(box {
    with network(channels);
    with catalog;
    with input;
    with ignore;  // change to report to see traces

    epp([Exists(buyer), Exists(seller)], seller) { bookseller(buyer, seller) }

  println("Result at buyer:" ++ genericShow(do await(p1)))
  println("Result at buyer:" ++ genericShow(do await(p2)))